If you drive Lucent Boulevard in Highlands Ranch, you’ll soon come to know it as Kendrick Castillo Way.
As part of the ongoing mission to memorialize Kendrick – who was killed May 7, 2019, during his senior year of high school, having sacrificed his own life to save fellow students amid a school shooting – the Kendrick Castillo Memorial Oversight Committee requested a road name change.
The Board of Douglas County Commissioners formally approved this request at an Aug. 27 Public Hearing, changing the entirety of Lucent Boulevard, from County Line Road to South Broadway, to Kendrick Castillo Way.
“As the days go on, it’s tough, and it gets tougher all the time,” Kendrick’s father, John Castillo, said during the public hearing. “We’re very honored that it has come to light to rename Lucent Boulevard, a street I drive every day. It’s good that we remember our heroes, who sacrificed their lives, and that we think of the events, so we can improve resources for mental health, and…fund our police and give them the resources they need.”
Formed in 2022 and made up of family and friends of Kendrick, representatives of local government and community organizations, the Kendrick Castillo Memorial Fund and Oversight Committee has also organized the naming of a robotics lab after Kendrick, a memorial in Civic Green Park, and a scholarship fund in Kendrick’s name.
You can contribute to the legacy of Kendrick Castillo in Douglas County by donating through the Douglas County Community Foundation.
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