
The Douglas County Recording Office is relocating from January-June 2025 due to construction.  Click here to learn more about the Recording Office renovation project or to schedule an appointment at the new temporary location.



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Information for Students

Become an Award-Winning High School for the Most Seniors Registered to Vote!

Learn more about the Eliza Pickrell Routt Award

Twelve Douglas County students are now award-winning artists in the 2024 Douglas County Elections Student Art Contest. The winners were chosen from 103 entries in four categories through the combination of a public voting period that received nearly 1500 responses and a panel of judges led by Douglas County Clerk and Recorder Sheri Davis. Winning artwork will be professionally displayed in Douglas County government buildings. Congratulations to all of our community’s talented students who submitted their original artwork for consideration!

K-2nd Grade Category: America the Beautiful
3rd-5th Grade Category: Presidential History
6th-8th Grade Category: Stars and Stripes
9th-12th Grade Category: Let Freedom Ring

Student Election Judge Program

In Colorado, Juniors and Seniors in high school (ages 16 & 17) are able to work as Student Election Judges. This experience exposes students to grassroots democracy in our community. Serving as a Student Election Judge motivates students to become active voters and to serve as regular election judges when they are adults.

Student Election Judge Information


Student Election Judges must be:

  • U.S. citizens by the date of the election at which they are scheduled to work.
  • Willing to serve long hours on Election Day. Duties start as early as 6:00 AM and can last as late as 9 p.m.
  • Physically and mentally able to perform the duties of an Election Judge.
  • Able to attend a mandatory Election Judge training session.
  • Never have been convicted of election fraud, other election offenses, or fraud.
  • Not be related to any candidate on the ballot in the precinct where they are working.
  • At least 16 or 17 years old and a Junior or Senior “in good standing” at a public or private high school at the time of the election at which they plan to work. Homeschooled students are also eligible.
  • Have the written consent of a parent or legal guardian.

State Statute

State statute makes the following provisions:

  • Student Election Judges do not need to be registered electors.
  • There are no party affiliation requirements for Student Election Judges.
  • Upon approval by their school’s principal or an administrator designated by the principal, Student Election Judges will be appointed by and will serve at the discretion of the local Election Official.
  • Students should have their own transportation to the Voter Service and Polling Center (VSPC) to which they are assigned or must assure the Election Official that they will arrive at the VSPC at 6 a.m. and have return transportation when their Election Day work is complete (approximately 8 to 9 p.m.).
  • Student Election Judges will assist in checking-in voters and assisting electors in casting their ballots in the role of Voter Aide or Ballot Aide.
  • Veteran Election Judges will supervise Student Election Judges.
  • Student Election Judges will be compensated for working Election Day and for attending the mandatory Election Judge training session.


If you are interested in serving as a Student Election Judge, please complete this application.

Complete the Student Election Judge Application

Student Election Judge Application