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Health Department


Rodents can transmit diseases to humans through direct handling of a rodent or through contact with rodent feces, urine, or saliva. Humans can also contract disease through a rodent bite. Rodents can carry other vectors such as ticks, mites, or fleas that transmit illness to humans.

Rodents enter your home to find shelter and food. To limit negative health effects or property damage from rodents, eliminate food sources. Seal any gaps that could permit entry into your home by rodents. Keep trash contained with tightly fitting lids. Do not leave dishes or food out, and store food in sealed containers. Traps are also helpful in eliminating rodents in and around your home.

If you have rodent waste or nests on your property, take precautions in cleaning to avoid contracting illness from the dust and waste particles. Do not vacuum or sweep rodent droppings or nests, and wear appropriate protective clothing and a respirator.

Helpful Resources from the CDC

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