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Open Space

Minimalist Camping at Sandstone Ranch

The Board of Douglas County Commissioners is committed to practicing and promoting responsible stewardship of historic and natural resources in rural and suburban areas.

We know from our citizen surveys that Sandstone Ranch is important to you and should be well-preserved yet open to the public.

In 2025, we are considering a pilot camping program that may include 5-10 minimalist camping sites at Sandstone Ranch following the 7 Principles of Leave No Trace.

View map of proposed sites.

This process is in the early planning stages and must include necessary updates to the Sandstone Management Plan through Douglas Land Conservancy. 

Public comment is welcome through every step of the process. Scroll down for a feedback form.

What is minimalist camping exactly?

Across our beautiful state, there are many different ways to camp – from traditional tent camping and RV camping to backcountry and primitive camping. Each type comes with its own set of rules and requirements based on the location. Any sites in Douglas County will follow the 7 Principles of Leave No Trace.

Minimalist Camping is:

  • Undeveloped, designated and dispersed sites
  • No plumbing, running water or utilities
  • Pack-in and pack-out all belongings and waste

Minimalist Camping is not:

  • Developed sites or tent pads
  • Running water, wastewater services or other utilities
  • Camping with cars, RVs, trailers or other motorized vehicles

Program FAQ

Under the proposal to allow camping, would campfires be allowed?

No. Campfires would be prohibited. The rules will be enforced per Resolution No. R-013-153. Please also see Rules and Regulations Concerning the use of Douglas County owned or operated Buildings, Facilities, Parks, Trails and Open Spaces.

Where did this idea come from to look into allowing camping at Sandstone?

Commissioners are looking into this idea due to a communicated desire for public access to Sandstone Ranch.

Is there going to be an extra cost to Douglas County/taxpayers to enforce safety and manage overnight campers?

The costs will be from staff time for development of the proposal and planning. Additionally, Open Space has requested an additional Ranger and Camp Host position to be funded. An initial estimate for the pilot sites at Sandstone is $379,400 for the first year.

Sandstone is known as the "crown jewel" of Douglas County open spaces, what will be done to ensure it stays pristine if camping is allowed?

To receive a camping permit, visitors will take and pass a Leave no Trace training program that will be integrated into the reservation system.

Have other Douglas County properties been considered for camping?

Yes, Prairie Canyon Ranch, Nelson Ranch Open Space, Red Mesa and Lincoln Mountain Ranch Open Space have also been considered.

Have questions or thoughts on this project? Share them here.


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