Whether new to the County or a long-time resident, you are invited by the Board of Douglas County Commissioners to participate in the County’s online, 2021 Citizen Survey, administered by Hill Research Consultants.
Complete the survey at poll.tiny.us/DouglasCo or visit douglas.co.us and click on Take the 2021 Citizen Survey.
This confidential, anonymous online citizen survey, which takes fewer than 15 minutes to complete, is one of the County’s ongoing efforts to engage Douglas County communities in the process of governance. In addition to the online version of the survey, some county residents will receive calls requesting they complete the interview via telephone.
“Your voice matters,” said Douglas County Commissioner and Board Chair, Lora Thomas, on behalf of the Board.
“The survey findings not only inform our Board’s spending priorities and important public policy decisions, the results are also used to measure performance in key service areas, allowing us the opportunity to observe trends and compare results over time,” Thomas said.
The foundation for the 2021 survey content includes baseline questions created for the County’s first quantitative citizen survey in 2006. Methodology has been updated over time to ensure the best means for engaging and receiving input from a statistically accurate and representative sample of opinion from Douglas County registered voters, aged 18 and older. Methodology includes landline (telephone), cell phone and online means.
Comprehensive, final survey results that are based on all responses combined will be shared publicly, including being posted on the County’s website. All individual responses are confidential, and the consultant never makes any disclosure of any individual responses to Douglas County.
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