
The Douglas County Recording Office is relocating from January-June 2025 due to construction.  Click here to learn more about the Recording Office renovation project or to schedule an appointment at the new temporary location.


Due to construction, the temporary location for the Douglas County Recording Office is 125 Stephanie Place, Castle Rock, 80109. Please visit this location for all in-person service. Click here to learn more about the Recording Office renovation project.



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Marriage / Civil Union Licenses


125 Stephanie Place
Castle Rock, CO 80109

Visit this temporary location for all in-person Recording services.

Learn more about the Douglas County Recording Office renovation project.


Now that you’ve decided to make it official, we are here to help. When applying for a Marriage or Civil Union License, please follow the steps and general requirements listed here.

Begin the Process

Begin the process by applying online, which will significantly speed up the processing time when the couple appears for their appointment in the Recording office to obtain their license.

  • All online fields must be completely filled out.
  • Successful submission of the online application will result in the issuance of a transaction number.
  • Write down the transaction number as it will be needed in the Recording office at the time of your scheduled appointment. The license will not be issued until both parties appear in the Recording office with all other required documents.
  • Couples have the option to Self-Solemnize, sign, and record their license during their office appointment to complete the entire process, or be issued their license to use in a Religious or Civil ceremony elsewhere.
  • Licenses must be used in Colorado within 35 days of being issued.
  • After the Marriage or Civil Union License has been signed by all parties involved, it must be returned to the Recording office for official recording within 63 days of the ceremony.
Complete Online Application

Online Application Complete? Next Step: Schedule an Appointment


Frequently Asked Questions

Obtaining a Marriage or Civil Union License

What are the proof of identification and age requirements for a marriage license?

For Marriage Licenses, both applicants should be over the age of 18. Proof of identification and age is required.

Proof of Identification and Age:

  • Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Military ID (as long as it contains a photo)
  • Inmate ID (as long as it has a photo and date of birth)
  • State Identification Card (as long as it contains a photo and date of birth)
  • Tribal Identification Card

Proof of Identification (must be accompanied by proof of age):

  • Photo ID issued by an employer or government agency (this includes school ID’s)
  • Credit card that contains a photo
  • Inmate ID
  • Consular Card

Proof of Age (must be accompanied by photo proof of identification):

  • Domestic Birth Certificate
  • Foreign Birth Certificate (The birth certificate MUST be in English otherwise it must be translated and the translation must be notarized)

If either party is 16 or 17 years of age at the time of application, the following requirements must be met:

  • Judicial order from juvenile court required. Order must either be the original signed by the judge, or a certified copy.
  • Original state issued birth certificate
  • Photo ID (a school ID is acceptable)


What are the proof of identification and age requirements for a Civil Union?

For Civil Unions, both parties must be 18 years of age.

Proof of Identification and Age:

  • Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Military ID (as long as it contains a photo)
  • Inmate ID (as long as it has a photo and date of birth)
  • State Identification Card (as long as it contains a photo and date of birth)
  • Tribal Identification Card

Proof of Identification (must be accompanied by proof of age):

  • Photo ID issued by an employer or government agency (this includes school ID’s)
  • Credit card that contains a photo
  • Inmate ID
  • Consular Card

Proof of Age (must be accompanied by photo proof of identification):

  • Domestic Birth Certificate
  • Foreign Birth Certificate (The birth certificate MUST be in English otherwise it must be translated and the translation must be notarized)

What are the Social Security Number requirements to apply for a Marriage or Civil Union License?

Per Colorado Revised Statutes, the last four digits of a social security number are required on Marriage License and Civil Union applications. If an applicant does not have a social security number, complete and sign this affidavit stating that the party does not have a social security number.

What is the fee for a Marriage or Civil Union License?

The fee for a Marriage or Civil Union License is $30 payable by cash or credit card only. Please note that credit card transactions will be charged a convenience fee by the third-party vendor.

Are there additional requirements if one of the parties is divorced?

If either party has been divorced the following information must be provided:

  • Date of the divorce
  • Type of court where the divorce took place
  • The city and state (or city and country if outside the United States) where the divorce occurred

What are the Colorado residency requirements for Marriage and Civil Union Licenses?

Applicants for a Marriage or Civil Union License do not need to be Colorado residents.

However, licenses issued in Colorado are only valid for use in Colorado.

Licenses must be used in Colorado within 35 days of being issued. Licenses issued more than 35 days before the date of the ceremony will not be valid.


When should we apply for a Marriage or Civil Union License in relation to the date of our ceremony?

You may apply for a license anytime. Once you pick up your license, you must have your ceremony within 35 days.

Licenses must be used in Colorado within 35 days of being issued. Licenses issued more than 35 days before the date of the ceremony will not be valid.

Where and when are Marriage/Civil Union License appointments available in Douglas County?

Couples may apply for and receive a Marriage or Civil Union License at the Douglas County Recording office located at 301 Wilcox Street in Castle Rock.

Appointments may be scheduled 28 days in advance, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (excluding holidays). If there are no openings, please try again the following morning.

Both applicants must appear. If one of the applicants cannot appear, the Marriage License Absentee Affidavit or Civil Union Absentee Affidavit must be completed.


My future spouse and I live in different counties, which county do we get our license from?

You may obtain your license from any County in Colorado. The only restriction is that you MUST return the license to the issuing County.

Are blood tests required?


What types of Marriage and Civil Union Licenses are prohibited?

  • Ancestor and descendant
  • Siblings
  • Uncle and Niece
  • Aunt and Nephew

Marriage or Civil Union between first Cousins is permitted in Colorado.

Marriage and Civil Union Ceremonies

What types of solemnization ceremonies are available in Colorado?

Colorado allows for three types of solemnization: Religious, Civil, or Self. Regardless of which type is selected, witness signatures are not required on the marriage license. The ceremony must occur within 35 days after the Marriage or Civil Union License is issued in order for it to be lawfully valid.

Religious Ceremonies
Religious officiants must sign the license and be recognized by the organization that ordained them to lawfully perform ceremonies in Colorado.

Civil Ceremonies
Judicial officiants must be recognized by the State of Colorado to perform ceremonies and must sign the license as the Officiant with their title. Click here for information on judges who perform Marriages/Civil Unions in Douglas County

Please note: Friends or relatives can not solemnize a marriage or union unless authorized to conduct a religious or civil ceremony in Colorado.

Self Solemnization
A couple may self solemnize and declare themselves legally married/joined in union by signing and recording their license at the Douglas County Recording office.

What is self solemnization?

A self-solemnization is a ceremony in which the couple declares themselves married/joined in union by signing and recording the license at the Douglas County Recording office. The marriage/union is as legally binding as if a religious or civil officiant performed the ceremony.

Do we have to have witness signatures?

No. However, witnesses may sign the license if the couple would like them to.

What do we do with the license after the ceremony? How do we record our Marriage / Civil Union ceremony?

After the original Marriage or Civil Union License has been signed by all parties involved, it must be returned to the Recording Office. This must occur within 63 days of the ceremony. Any license not returned to our office within 63 days from the date of the ceremony shall incur a minimum late fee of not less than $20.00 with an additional $5.00 assessed each day thereafter not to exceed $50.00. The postmark will be used to calculate applicable late fees.

Simply put the license into the envelope provided to you and either mail it or personally return it to our office for recording. Once the license has been recorded, it will be returned to you at the address provided at the time of application. The license should be kept as a permanent record.

If you would like copies of your marriage license, you may request them when you return your license (see next FAQ). Never submit the original license to anyone for documentation purposes; you may not get it back. A copy of a Marriage or Civil Union License is not considered to be “official” unless it is obtained from the County Clerk’s Office.

We need a copy of our marriage/civil union license application - how do we get one?

Marriage/Civil Union License Applications are held confidential under Colorado Law. For circumstances requiring documentation of the marriage, a certified copy of the license or application may be obtained for $1.25 per copy.

Parties to the marriage/union or immediate family members must provide photo ID with the request. Immediate family members must also provide proof of relationship. To request copies of the license application by mail, please use this form and include a copy of your photo ID.

Shipping and handling charges apply as follows:

  • $1 for 1-6 pages
  • $4 for 7-61 pages
  • $7 for 62 or more pages

To avoid paying a shipping and handling charge, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your copy request. Make sure the envelope is large enough for the number of copies requested and if paying by check, please make check payable to Douglas County Clerk.

What is the process for making a name change after the ceremony?

When you receive your marriage license, there will be a Marriage and Civil Union License Guide with name change guidelines included in your envelope. If you misplace the brochure and need another one, simply call our office at 303-660-7446, email us at [email protected]

What is a common law marriage?

A common law marriage is when a couple has presented themselves and been acknowledged as a married couple, even though there was no ceremony or marriage license obtained.

Is there a common-law marriage license?

There is not. A couple may apply for a Marriage or Civil Union License to use in a Religious or Civil ceremony, or Self Solemnize by signing and recording their license during their Recording office appointment.