
In observance of the Presidents Day holiday, all Douglas County Government offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, 2025. Offices will reopen on Tuesday, Feb. 18, for normal business. Many County services are available 24/7 by visiting online services.



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Are you and your family natural disaster-resilient?

Douglas County seeks your input on the countywide Local Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Posted on October 8, 2020 2020Public Safety


Your opinion is needed on a countywide plan to create a safer, more disaster-resilient community.

During the next four months we will be reaching out, asking for your input on the County’s update to the FEMA-required Local Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, starting now with a recently-posted, quick public opinion poll,  and ending with your input on the draft plan in January 2021.

Why is the plan important? “As just one example, the threat we saw from wildfires this year was mitigated by excellent planning and execution of that plan, ensuring that natural hazards didn’t become natural disasters,” said Abe Laydon Douglas County Commissioner.  “The county’s role in averting loss of life and property damage is successful because of the ongoing engagement of our exceptional citizens and community partners in proactive hazard mitigation planning.”

That’s why Douglas County and multiple local and regional government partners and stakeholders are engaged in the development of a Local Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan update. This plan will help us reduce the entire County’s vulnerability to these natural hazards – and thus reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards.

First steps first…. in fewer than 1o minutes your input will make a huge difference in community resiliency during a disaster.  Please help us become better informed by participating in a quick questionnaire regarding your concerns and your level of preparedness.

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, hazard mitigation planning and the implementation of risk reduction activities can significantly reduce the physical, financial, and emotional losses caused by disasters.

For more information visit and search Local Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Respond to the quick public opinion poll.

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