
The Douglas County Recording Office is relocating from January-June 2025 due to construction.  Click here to learn more about the Recording Office renovation project or to schedule an appointment at the new temporary location.



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Your property tax is billed and collected by the County Treasurer’s Office who then distributes it to the taxing authorities that serve your property. There are over 300 taxing authorities in our County that have certified a mill levy to the County. Each of these entities receive a share of your tax dollars depending on where your property is located. The County Government has no control over how much these entities tax you, we just collect and distribute the taxes.

To see a breakout of which ones you support with your property tax dollar (and compare with other areas and communities if you wish) go to Generally, the largest portion of your tax bill goes to the Douglas County School District (often about 50%).

Payment Information & Options

Property tax billing statements/notifications are mailed annually in late January.
Payment Due Dates:

  • Full Payment Due by April 30
  • Half Payments – 1st half due by last day of February, 2nd half due by June 16

To make an immediate online payment, use the Property Account Inquiry link below: search for your property account, locate the Pay Taxes box on the top left side of your account page, click on $ amount to begin the payment process.  For reference, view this step-by step guide for an overview of the process and screens.

Property Account Inquiry


Schedule a future dated payment. Use the Schedule My Payment link below to Create a login account, Add your payment method, Search by property account number, Schedule payment dates.  E-checks are free of charge, provide your bank’s routing number and your personal checking/savings account number.  Credit card payments will carry a 2.19% vendor fee.  For reference, view this step-by-step guide for an overview of the process and screens.


Schedule a Future Dated Payment

Schedule My Payment

Where Does Your Property Tax Go?

Access your property tax account to:

  • make a payment
  • view your parcel details
  • verify your mailing address
  • obtain current and prior year payment history and receipts, download your current year tax statement.
  • Receive your annual statement via email: Open your account page, use the Verify My Email link on the left side to enter your email address.  Your unique email verification key is provided on your statement/postcard.

Would you like to see where your property tax goes? is a searchable, interactive map to show you the authority distribution and tax rates for individual parcels.

Need Help? Initiate a real-time chat session with staff by clicking on the conversation link on the lower right-hand corner of the screen.  Chat may also be initiated via text messaging (SMS) by sending your text to 720-709-1618.


The Treasurer’s office bills and collects property taxes based on assessed valuations provided by the Douglas County Assessor and mill levies set by approximately 300 taxing authorities (County, School District, Municipalities and Special Districts). Collected taxes and special assessments are apportioned and disbursed to the various taxing authorities.

We are responsible for all internal and external banking relationships. All deposits through the county are handled through the Treasurer’s office with the exception of a portion from the Douglas County Sheriff. We manage the County’s investment portfolio in accordance with Colorado State Statutes and the Douglas County Investment Policy with the focus being safety and liquidity before yield.

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Property Tax Maps

Real Property Map

Research Land, Ownership, Location, Value for Douglas County addresses

Real Property Map

Where do my taxes go?

Interactive map used to review breakdown of taxing authorities and total mill levies based on district designation for the property location.

Your Douglas County Taxes