Are you looking for a way to make a difference in your community? Share your talent and expertise on one of our many Citizen Advisory Boards, Committees or Commissions.
“From the Cultural Council to the Planning Commission, volunteer members provide subject matter expertise and experience that is vital to the County’s decision-making process,” said County Commissioner and Board Chair Roger Partridge. “The County and its citizens greatly benefit from this service.”
Serving on a Board, Committee or Commission is a hands-on way for you to engage in the County’s governance and serve your community.
Douglas County accepts applications on an ongoing basis for current and future vacancies on all advisory bodies. All applications, and those previously completed in 2019, will remain in consideration for one year from the application date.
Position responsibilities, Commissioner District representation, terms of office, board, committee or commission size, appointment process and meeting schedules vary for each board, committee and commission. Learn more about each, find a match with your interests and knowledge, and complete an application to be considered.
For additional information, please review details linked above or contact the Douglas County Commissioners’ Office at 303-660-7401.
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