
In observance of the Presidents Day holiday, all Douglas County Government offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, 2025. Offices will reopen on Tuesday, Feb. 18, for normal business. Many County services are available 24/7 by visiting online services.



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Comprehensive Master Plan

2040 Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP)

Douglas County Comprehensive Master Plan 2040 logoThe CMP represents a shared vision of the citizens of Douglas County as expressed by the Planning Commission.  It seeks to find an appropriate balance in land use that will provide opportunities for preservation of open space and wildlife habitat, while meeting the needs of daily life, including jobs, housing, recreation, and services appropriate for both urban and nonurban lifestyles.  The CMP incorporates general policies about how and where growth and development should occur while offering a broad, yet realistic plan for the County now and into the future.  Other elements of the CMP include the Mineral Extraction Plan, the Recreation and Tourism Planand the Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan (PTOS).

Plan Implementation

The CMP is implemented in many ways.  The most common method of implementation is through the review of land use applications.  During their review, development proposals must demonstrate consistency with the goals and policies of the CMP.

2040 CMP Documents

Complete 2040 CMP (maps not included)

The document is organized by section, with corresponding maps following each section.

Section 5 - Community Resources

Section 6 - Transportation

Section 10 - Amendments and Updates

Appendix A - Glossary