
In observance of the Presidents Day holiday, all Douglas County Government offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, 2025. Offices will reopen on Tuesday, Feb. 18, for normal business. Many County services are available 24/7 by visiting online services.



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Rental Fees Overview

All standard fees are approved by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners. Any variance of these fees within the established spending authority of the Facilities, Fleet, and Emergency Support Services (FFESS) Director may be approved by that Director on a case-by-case basis.

The purpose of fees is to generate revenue to offset the operational costs of the Facilities and to provide funds for future capital improvements.

View information about:

Rental Fees, Surcharges and Equipment Rental

Daily Rental Fees

Facility Commercial Standard Commercial Adjusted Non-Profit Security Deposit
Entire Fairgrounds (all facilities) $4,500 $3,500
+ surcharges
$1,950 $2,250
Fairgrounds (all facilities excluding Events Center) $3,000 $2,000
+ surcharges
+ surcharges
Events Center $2,000 $1,500
+ surcharges
+ surcharges
Events Center -Conference Room  #1 or #2 $40.00
/ Hour*
/ hour* + surcharges
/ hour*  + surcharges
Indoor Arena $1,000 $750
+ surcharges
+ surcharges
Outdoor Arena $650 $450
+ surcharges
+ surcharges
Large Animal Barn (if 50 or more stalls are used) $500 $400
+ surcharges
+ surcharges
Kirk Hall $400 $300
+ surcharges
+ surcharges
Midway (Heritage Plaza) $300 $225
+ surcharges
+ surcharges
Multi-Purpose Barn (North or South Section) $200/
per section
$150/ per section
+ surcharges
$100/ per section
+ surcharges
Whitman – Lowell Pavilion $100 $75 + surcharges $50 + surcharges $50



Facility Admission Surcharge $.50 per ticket sold if admission charge is $4.99 or less
Ticket Surcharge $1.00 or 5% of ticket amount if admission charge is $5.00 or more
Vendor Booth Surcharge $15.00 or 10% of booth rental fee
Participant Surcharge $1.00 or 10% of participation fee
Catering Surcharge 10% on food & non-alcoholic beverages served in the Events Center

Extras/Equipment Rental

 Equipment Commercial Standard/Adjusted Non-Profit
Arena Lights – Outdoor Arena only $30 per hour $15 per hour
Articulating Boom with Operator $50 per hour $25 per hour
AV Equipment(TV-VCR, LDC Projector) $30 each $15 each
Chairs  (unless included in room rental) $1 each per event $.50 each per event
Camlock Electrical Hookup- Events Center only $125 per camlock $62.50 per camlock
Electrical pull down/data lines/phones lines $25 each per event $12.50 each per event
Employee Labor Fees $45 per hour $22.50 per hour
Employee Labor with equipment $65 per hour $32.50 per hour
Kitchen – only with facility rental (Events Center  & Indoor Arena) $200 per hour $100 per hour
Midway Office $30 per day $15 per day
Pipe and Drape (Black: 8 ft. tall x 150 ft. length) $15 per 10′ section $7.50 per 10′ section
Portable Bleachers
5 row – seats 50
10 row – seats 100
$25 per event
$45 per event
$12.50 per event
$22.50 per event
RV Hookup (electrical) $30 per night $15 per night
Stage – Platform type $15 per section $7.50 per section
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