Douglas County is in Stage 2 Fire Restrictions by order of the Sheriff. Visit the Douglas County Sherriff’s office page to learn more about what is allowed during a Stage 2 Fire Restriction.
Douglas County is in Stage 2 Fire Restrictions by order of the Sheriff. Visit the Douglas County Sherriff’s office page to learn more about what is allowed during a Stage 2 Fire Restriction.
Updated June 18, 2024
The 2024 Gravel Road Chip Seal Pilot Project has been completed.
In addition to the gravel road paving projects performed under the High Priority Gravel Road Paving Program, Public Works is piloting a new program to chip seal gravel roads. The goal of the program is to evaluate the cost and performance of a double chip seal (3/4” rock bottom layer, topped by a 3/8” rock chip seal), to see if this offers a cost-effective alternative to full- depth paving. It is anticipated that the program will consist of projects that will have an initial chip seal, following by a 2” or 3” overlay in year 5. If successful, the pilot program will be expanded and will result in the acceleration of gravel road paving.
Part of the 2024 Gravel Road Chip Seal Pilot Project includes the following streets: Awl Road, Roundup Road, Stallion Circle, Black Forest Drive, Tenderfoot Trail, Whispering Pines Drive, and Bonanza Road.
Douglas County Road Crews will be performing drainage improvements, culvert replacements, and road grading prior to the start of chip seal operations.
Additionally, Douglas County will send out Cone Zone Mailers (three weeks prior to chip sealing) to notify adjacent residents of the planned work.