Burial Assistance can pay up to $1,500 toward cremation or burial costs of decedents who were receiving benefits from certain public assistance programs, as long as the total cost of the services doesn’t exceed $2,500. The amount of burial assistance paid by Douglas County Human Services is based on the resources and assets the decedent had at the time of death.
If the decedent was married, the spouse’s resources will be taken into consideration when determining the benefit.
If the decedent was a child under the age of 18, both parents’ resources will be taken into consideration when determining the benefit.
Please note:
- The funding cannot be used to transport the body.
- If services have been paid in full already no benefit will be paid. This program does not allow for reimbursements.
- If the total cost of the cremation or burial services exceed $2,500, no payment will be made.
- Any money voluntarily contributed by a spouse or parent(s) toward the cremation or burial costs is used to reduce the state contribution.