Douglas County is in Stage 2 Fire Restrictions by order of the Sheriff. Visit the Douglas County Sherriff’s office page to learn more about what is allowed during a Stage 2 Fire Restriction.
Douglas County is in Stage 2 Fire Restrictions by order of the Sheriff. Visit the Douglas County Sherriff’s office page to learn more about what is allowed during a Stage 2 Fire Restriction.
The Douglas County Board of Health meets quarterly from 5-7 p.m.
2024 Meeting Dates:
March 14
June 13
October 3
December 12
Citizens may attend or view the meetings remotely or watch the Livestream.
Join via Webex Events by clicking here (this link will be activated before the meeting) and complete the registration information and enter the password – DCBOH
Listen Only via telephone (you will not be able to participate in public comments during the meeting via phone). Dial 1-408-418-9388 (United States Toll-Free) and enter the Meeting Access Code (please note the access code changes for every meeting):2480 063 4922
Your County government makes decisions that impact you – and your elected leaders want you involved. As part of their commitment to an open and transparent government, the Board of Douglas County Commissioners requires that the business of County government should be open to effective public review.
The online portal can help you access all public meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and their appointed Boards and Commissions. Available information includes meeting agendas, minutes, and more. Watch this video to learn how the online portal works and get involved today.
View meeting agendas and items by clicking here
To watch previous Board of Health meetings click here.